Bear Questions & Answers

The Polar Bear Expedition: Test Your Knowledge!

The polar bear, known scientifically as Ursus maritimus, is a fascinating creature that has captured the imagination of people around the world. As the largest carnivorous land mammal, it plays a crucial role in the Arctic ecosystem.

Physical Appearance

Polar bears are iconic for their thick, white fur, which helps them blend into their icy surroundings. Adult males typically weigh between 900 to 1,600 pounds, while females are generally smaller, weighing between 500 to 1,000 pounds.

Habitat and Behavior

Polar bears primarily reside in the Arctic Circle, encompassing the Arctic Ocean, its surrounding seas, and adjacent landmasses. They are excellent swimmers, capable of covering long distances in the water.


The diet of a polar bear primarily consists of seals, especially ringed and bearded seals. They rely on the fat-rich blubber to provide the energy and nutrients necessary to survive in their harsh environment.


Polar bears mate between April and May, and after a gestation period of about eight months, the female gives birth to one to three cubs.

Polar Bears 10 Trivia and Answer Game

Question 1: What is the scientific name of the polar bear?

Answer 1: Ursus maritimus

Question 2: What is the primary prey of polar bears?

Answer 2: Seals

Question 3: Where do polar bears primarily reside?

Answer 3: In the Arctic Circle

Question 4: How many cubs does a polar bear usually give birth to at one time?

Answer 4: One to three

Question 5: What is the main threat to polar bears’ survival?

Answer 5: Climate change

Question 6: How much can an adult male polar bear weigh?

Answer 6: Between 900 to 1,600 pounds

Question 7: Are polar bears good swimmers?

Answer 7: Yes

Question 8: What month do polar bears typically mate?

Answer 8: Between April and May

Question 9: Besides seals, what might polar bears eat during the summer?

Answer 9: Vegetation, birds, and other available food

Question 10: What part of the seal do polar bears primarily consume for energy and nutrients?

Answer 10: The fat-rich blubber

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